Launch Goodays interfaces using the SDK
Create your own buttons and trigger Goodays widgets when you want
You enter a Developer Zone
Items described in this page are advanced usages of Goodays SDKs. These items requires the intervention of a technical expert to be implemented on your side.
Why are those advanced functions useful?
Goodays widgets described in this documentation are standard elements designed and developed by Goodays. It provides you with easy to implement and neat look-and-feel.
However, sometimes you may want to add a more personalized touch, whether it is purely aesthetic or based on a specific behaviour you want to address.
The functions described in this page allows you to develop your own triggers and Call-To-Actions to have a deeper implementation of Goodays in your interfaces.
Please read the article about Goodays SDKs
The following functions can only operate if Goodays SDK is already installed within you interface. Please read this article to learn more.
Display a store locator
This interface opens the Store Locator interface which displays the points of sales closest to the customer. It is also possible to search for point of sales belonging to a specific city.
When the customer chooses a point of sales, he is redirected to the corresponding "Send Feedback" interface.
The code"modal:store_locator", null, params);
"Send Feedback" on a specific point of sales
These interface allow the customer to open the Goodays Send Feedback interface for a specific point of sales.
The code"modal:send_feedback", placeId, params);
"Send Feedback" at the opening of the web page
: allows you to automatically open a widget right after SDK initialization.
The code
window.GoodaysSDK = {
config: {
open: "send_feedback:<place_id>"
When launching Goodays widgets with functions, you are able to add parameters.
Name | Type | By default | Effect |
mode | feedback quiz quizonly | feedback | Collection process to be adopted by the widget. - feedback : feedback first, then quiz- feedbackonly : only feedback- quiz : Quiz first, then feedback- quizonly : only quiz |
user | user_tag separated by | following customer configuration | 'first_name | last_name | email | phone | crm_id' | Transmits information about the customer to the interface. Use this information to pre-fill the verbatim's fields, as well as for other purposes such as dissatisfaction alerts. Should be encoded in Base64 |
tag | string | null | Name of the survey (slug) that will be used by the interface If you leave this field blank, the default process will be used. |
answer | integer | null | Automatically responds to the first question with the value provided. Useful when coming from email. Mode quiz/quizonly only |
lang | code name : fr , en ... | Default point of sale language value | Lang of the interface. By default fr |
closable | true /false | true | Activate or not the cross icon to close the interface. |
on_close | URL (absolute or relative) | null | When the customers click on the cross to close the interface, they will be redirected to this URL: - If this is a relative URL, the location iframe will be change. - If this is an absolute URL, the parent frame will be change. - If this is a null value, the cross will behave as normal and close the pop-in. |
on_success | URL (absolute or relative) | on_close value | Similar to on_close but applies to the close buttons that appears on the success screen. |
x_* | string | null | Additional information to bring contextual data to participation. |
Updated 8 months ago