Customer Satisfaction score

Displays the customer satisfaction score for your place or globally.

This widget will give you the ability to showcase the satisfaction score for your whole brand or for a given point of sale.


  1. Install the Goodays Web SDK in your HTML page, if you have not already done so.
  2. Add the HTML code at the location where you want the button to be displayed.

Global customer satisfaction score

The code

  >Goodays: Send feedback</a>


Customer Name

Beware the variable customer_name should be replaced by the name shared by Goodays.

The result

Customer satisfaction score for a point of sale

The code

  > Goodays: Send feedback </a>


Customer Name & Point of sale ID

Beware variables customer_name & pos_id have to be replaced by the name shared by Goodays and the id of the point of sale you would like the information to be registered on.

The result


data-params settings

NameTypeBy defaultEffect
Customizes the behavior of the comment submission button: if you attribute a URL to this value, the button will open the URL in a new browser
langcode name : fr, en...Default point of sale language valueLang of the interface
levellevel IDnullOnly for the global customer satisfaction score: filter on one specific brand level.
x_*stringnullAdditional information to bring contextual data to participation.
Add cz_ in front of this parameter if you use a Goodays URL.


Additional information

More information on the additional information can be find in the Web SDK part